Linux Webcam

Live Bild

Live Image

  1. motion saves image every 15 seconds to /var/www/webcam/lastsnap.jpg
  2. after that on_picture_save command from motion.conf runs
  3. this script copies lastsnap.jpg to live.jpg, writes a timestamp to /var/www/webcam/lastsnap.txt and sets the rights so the webserver can access live.jpg
  4. index.html displays the live.jpg and every 5 seconds the lastsnap.txt is fetched via ajax. If this timestamp changed, the live.jpg is reloaded with cache breaker


  1. crontab runs every 15 minutes from 5 to 21 o'Clock
  2. it copys the live.jpg to the archiv/<current-timestamp>.jpg


ffmpeg -r 30 -i input%03d.jpg -codec copy output.mkv

Die Framerate gibt -r an. Bilder müssen fortlaufend und lückenlos im Format input000.jpg bekannt sein.

Sourcecode on GitHub

pub/linux-webcam.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/03/16 22:25 von Marco Krage